Sensory Feet2 educational material set for children
Explore the world through your senses.
Handmade with love, aids for sensory integration.
The PROFEDU Non-Public Teacher Training Center supports teachers and preschool principals both in managing an educational institution and in searching for innovative, original and effective methods of working with children. We are the authors od the Colorful Sounds Method.
At the same time, we as parents, understanding that children learn best by exploring the world with their own senses, introduce our dear customers a series of Sensory Feet products.
Educational set for children. Suitable for learning and development. Use under adult supervision.

Both the teacher and the parent are the first explorers of a child’s sensory capabilities.

Moreover, the teacher supports the sensory integration specialist in their daily work.

It is very important that learning is conducted through play and is interesting for the child.
Made in Poland
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